Wednesday, 24 June 2015

First rule on how to make your life better

... is ... it's something short
and a well hidden secret...
(joke) I mean..
something you already know...
deep inside you... so
one thing you have to do.. to live happily ever after is:

love yourself

voila! that's right. you are unique and special to this world and if you don't love yourself than no one will be able to love you right back as you deserve.

It's first thing you have to accomplish if you want a better life in general.. and tell me, who doesn't want to be happy? Who doesn't want to be a better mom, son, sister, grandson, niece... For that, you should take care of yourself so you'll be able to live long, be a good friend, colleague, spouse etc.

Image source

I've learned this by reading a book from mrs. Louise Hay, The power is within you. I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't read it yet.

So she also says you have to adress this ''self love'' through appropriate manners, ten of them actually. Those are:
1. stop criticizing yourself
(we all have this evil voice inside who says we're not good enough, make it shut up)

2. do not scare yourself 
(with negative thoughts, what ifs, should haves...)

3. be nice, gentle and patient with yourself
(be your own teddy bear)

4. be nice to your mind
 (don't think you're stupid)

5. compliment yourself 
(tell to yourself ''you go girl/boy!'' even when accomplishing little things
or just making them better than the last time, every progress is worth it,
you will come far by just putting one feet in front of another)

loving yourself means also to 
6. stand by yourself no matter what 
(even when you did something ''stupid'' - hey! nothing is stupid)

7. love also negative things on you 
(so until you don't get enough control to start thinking positively
almost every day, you'll still have a lot of negative thoughts,
learn to love them, embrace them as they are and let them go
because remember - be gentle)

8. take care of your body 
(healthy body = healthy mind, do some meditations, visualisations)

9. work with the mirror 
(start to love your body, talk to yourself in the mirror, about good and bad things, that's how you'll heal) and last but not least

10. love yourself as you are in this moment
 (past is gone, don't dwell on it and don't worry about future, just love yourself now even with flaws - even thought they're not! ;) )

Once again I really recommend this book to everyone... if you're going through hard time, through illness, if something doesn't feel right or just so ... knowledge about how to live better, healthy and positive life is always welcome.

And most of all stay fearless.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

ON TOP of the world

Have you ever felt like nothing can stop you,
like you could
conquer the world?

It's extraordinary feeling of
and itching your feet

just to dance
to scream
to laugh

If you felt it, tell me... 
what made you feel that way?
I'm sure it was you! 

- brave, loving, worthy human being -
I wish you'd feel like that every day.

Stay fearless ;)
Image source

Monday, 22 June 2015

hey, summer

Sure, I know, I'm a little late on the news. First summer day was actually yesterday

tell me, does it really feel like summer?

Can you feel the breeze and that great smell in the air?

I'm still waiting...
for the feeling that I can finally 
stop worrying,
get to breathe,
feel hot sun on my skin
 & you...

Laying in the greenest grass
right next to your body,
patiently watching your soul 
until your eyes meet mine
and we'll know,
We're finally home.

Until then...

Friday, 19 June 2015

Depression striked

She thought, with every good there must be the bad..
Jin and Jang and all that world balance,
it all made sense

so one day, she woke up sad,
with sick feeling in her stomach and
before she even realised.. she's already battling her demons.

She walked through the city, like nothing happened,
even looking like everyone else, but none of them knew
that their presence is making her even worse.

Every night while trying to fall asleep in tears
and not being able to breathe, her thoughts got darker
persisting until at once her eyes got too heavy.

As morning came she felt better again,
in sheaf of the light she discovered that it's all in her head
and she was just obsessing about every little trouble of hers.

As it is the personal story of everyone, at least once in a lifetime,
you should just be thankful about your blessings in life and just...
stop thinking so much...

and if the D. comes for you with
the question: how long can I feel like this until I fall into pieces?
remember this - you'll be fine and you're not alone!